Friday, September 21, 2007

I had thought I'd put up a blog every month, but August slipped by with us in the Northwest for a couple of weeks and there it went! Now Sept. is nearing the end. Better get to it.
A fun thing. Robin works in the office that runs the Nursing Program at Biola. I am not real clear on this but they have a half dozen fourth year students taking extra work. I asked if they learned levitation so they didn't have to lift the patients. Anyway, as part of the course each one has to locate a senior citizen and do in depth interviews. Robin lined me up with a guy from Lodi and we've had several talks thus far. He comes over to Carl's Jrs. on Rosecrans at 12:30 on Fridays and we talk for an hour. He does not seem to have a set agenda so he says just tell me about yourself. We have been into TGT and other fine ways to talk to people about the Lord. It is all very intriguing, what do they really want to know about seniors?

Cousins. My favorite cousin through my whole life is and was Roselva (Taber) and now Taylor. Daughter of Charles Taber, my mother's older (and only) brother. She now lives in Utah with her daughter Joanni and a few months ago lost her husband Bill. He both worked for me in the insurance office and played tennis with me for a long time. A great friend. All of this to say that she was down here for a few days last week and Gmother and I went to see her for a couple of hours. Made me realize how close we had always been, and how great it has been. She wrote to me faithfully when I was out in the South Pacific during WW2. When she married Jim Ogilby that was great, as Jim and I had been in SS together during high school days and then in the Army together later on. He was in one outfit in Brisbane Australia and I was in another. Great friends. When Granada got going we invited them to come and they both got saved, that made it especially super. He died after they had had three boys, and later she married Bill. But what a wonderful cousin she has been.