Saturday, July 28, 2007

End of July

So what is the big gnus for the month? For me, our friend from India, Jaya Raj has had some misfortunes in her line of work, live in practical nurse. A company that hired her folded and their checks bounced. So I have been elected to drive her from place to place, getting new documentation, TB shots and verification, and from one new job to another. To go get her is in Orange, about 18 miles from here. One job was in Hacienda Hts. and that was such a bummer she left three days later and away we go again. We seem to have her salted away now for a long term stay in Anaheim. I guess I have driven a couple hundred miles hauling the lady around. Her husband was one of our East West clients and their daughter went to Biola. Otherwise, we are fine.
Except that the valve that controls and stops the flow of water in the toilet quit working. Plumber came and fixed it, almost. Had another plumber come this AM to fix what he missed. Got the water off the floor. Then this AM I noticed that the toaster went down OK and held for the requisite length of time, but no heat, no toast.
And, oh yes. We are in throes of moving my office into what has been the guest room. The guest room will move into what is now our bedroom. And our bedroom will move into what is now the office. With a brand new Queeen sized bed, which is the reason for all the changing, our room not big enough for it. Getting this all done in one whack is going to take some real engineering. We will paint the office first, the old one, that is. Selah.


At September 10, 2007 at 11:40 AM , Blogger David Cox said...

Hi Robert. It is impressive the way you keep up with the times. Not many guys in their 80s have blogs. If you could get Heide to set up a link on her blog to yours it sure would be convenient. David


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